Even before his graduation in fine arts, São Paulo, born designer Fabio Yukio, had already began collaborating with the most prestigious brands in brazilian fashion. With his artistic talent polished by a thorough education, it didn’t take long for him to conquer his place in the market by developing visually appealing prints that met the highest technical standards.

It was from his desire to merge the oneiric universe of illustration with the fashion world that the project of his own brand was born: Yukio, a brand with a unique and artistic take on luxury brazilian resort style. It focuses on the needs and desires of empowered women, and brings exquisite prints as its most exclusive selling proposition.

Each print is personally hand drawn by Fabio Yukio, a meticulous illustrator with a long artistic background, who brings his creations to life with the use of traditional painting techniques, such as watercolor and chalk, and digital treatment. The artistic aspect of the brand is highlighted by wonderful handmade works of embroidery and dye.

In each collection, these prints are combined with carefully curated palettes of color and fabrics to create a journey through a very particular universe imagined by the designer. Each collection tells a fantastic and unique story, a wonderful clash between dream and reality that is in the brand’s DNA.

Not by chance, the brand is born simultaneously in Brazil and the us, with two distinct offices: one in São Paulo, another in Miami. Fabio Yukio aims to meet the foreign market demand while valuing its brazilian roots, being a true contemporary space where cultural heritage is treasured whilst international exchange is stimulated.

(+55 11) 3052-1033


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