Osklen celebrates 20 years of sustainable culture

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Osklen, a pioneer in sustainable fashion, in partnership with Instituto-E, expresses its commitment to conscious consumption and socio-environmental integrity in the launch of the Gaia Collection, created to celebrate more than 20 years of the brand’s sustainability culture.

The collection reinforces the concept that man and everything that constitutes the planet are interconnected and form a single living organism and, for the first time, it presents a new platform to reinforce and communicate its initiatives divided into 3 themes.

Each month, a sustainability banner is linked to products made with e-fabrics, providing consumers with the possibility to choose the socio-environmental impact they would like to generate through their purchase.

REGENERATE LIFE is the search for sustainable practices in favor of all forms of life on Earth. RESPECT OUR PEOPLE enhances the knowledge, traditions and empowerment of communities. And the RE-DESIGN WASTE banner communicates the generation of value for waste and reframing of waste to promote the circular economy.

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