ApexBrasil announces new management and focuses on sustainability as a priority

The President of ApexBrasil swore in the new Business and Corporate Management directors, respectively, Ana Paula Repezza and Floriano Pesaro.

Around 9:30 am on January 10th, the Vice President of the Republic Geraldo Alckmin, Minister Mauro Vieira, the President of ApexBrasil, Jorge Viana, and the new Directors Ana Paula Repezza and Floriano Pesaro, greeted the Agency’s employees in the basement of the entity’s headquarters building.

One of the objectives of the President of ApexBrasil, Jorge Viana, for this year is to work on the geography of Brazilian exports.

The action plan is to discuss with the governors of the 27 units of the Federation about the main sectors and products with greater possibilities for foreign trade and, thus, intensify the work on the product, focusing on the sustainability of what is being promoted. One of the examples is to attract investments aimed at the renewable energy sector.

For more details, visit https://apexbrasil.com.br/br/pt/conteudo/noticias/nova-gestao-da-apexbrasil-inclui-sustentabilidade-e-energia-renovavel-entre-prioridades.html#msdynttrid=eqxr6jdMshT5yfs_55HuUx9SfuVHaNtcYPAYDV1KuaM

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