Kika Simonsen exhibits “Enchantment”, her first solo art show

Featuring fashion and visual arts, 14 works of art tell about the artist’s life

For the very first time exhibiting individually, the show “Enchantment” by Kika Simonsen will be open from October 1st to 28th at the Andrea Rehder gallery, in São Paulo.

Curated by Carollina Lauriano, “Enchantment” is composed of 14 works of art created since last year with great inspiration in the artist’s experiences, such as trips to Mexico, Egypt and Kenya, for example. The most recent works have cosmic references, bringing back memories of the remarkable trip to the Atacama Desert, where Kika had a new view of the sky and observed planets through a telescope.

All the influence of the geography and nature of the place is very pronounced in her works.

Combining visual arts and fashion, the paintings leave the canvas and become design in her clothing line. A strong feature of her design, Kika builds up layers of paint while leaving raw parts on the canvas. The poetics of creation is totally exclusive and tells about her life experiences, sensations and places visited.

Kika Simonsen, who has participated in other group exhibitions, declares her satisfaction in winning a solo show. “One of the most interesting things about this experience is observing what catches the eye of each viewer, realizing that each person is attracted to a different element on the screen.”

To prestige the series of works, it is necessary to schedule an appointment in advance. Andrea Rehder Gallery: Avenida Brasil, 2079, Jardins, São Paulo. Tel. (11) 3081-0083.

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