“Em RE JEWELRY reforçamos nossa crença em uma moda perene e atemporal que, longe de ser constantemente descartada, está continuamente evoluindo e se RE-interpretando.”
“Há quem diga que em tempos de incerteza a retomada ao passado é um caminho seguro. Nossa sensibilidade ao zeitgeist certamente nos levou em direção ao passado.”
A associada Gissa Bicalho retratou os “loucos anos 20” na nova coleção RE JEWELRY.
A coleção promove riqueza de detalhes, brilho, sofisticação das pedras e lentes art déco nas combinações de cores vivas do acrílico.
RE JEWELRY representa a liberdade e diversidade feminina pela releitura das clássicas jóias dos anos 20.
“Que o início deste momento de RE-encontros aos quais tanto ansiamos, seja um convite para que cada mulher se RE-conecte à força de sua própria identidade.”
https://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/image-1.jpg7001000abehttps://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/abest-logo-300x227.pngabe2022-03-11 07:52:382022-03-11 07:52:38Nova coleção RE JEWELRY pela Gissa Bicalho
“Uma forma descomplicada e singular de se vestir, reflexo de um mundo que pede por soluções práticas e fáceis, mas não menos belas, elegantes e intrigantes.”
A associada UMA apresenta a nova coleção Lua para celebrar os 25 anos da marca.
A coleção moderna e ageless expressa o DNA contemporâneo e atemporal da UMA, e representa a pluralidade e a liberdade de expressão.
A “geometria sem regra”, destaque da coleção, promove estampas geométricas para retratar uma tela de pintura.
“O processo criativo visou explorar para além das obviedades com o objetivo de ser diferente e multicultural – a partir de cortes irregulares do tecido estampado, cada peça apresenta uma característica única.”
E outro destaque importante: os novos componentes ecológicos e sustentáveis, viscose eco com certificado Lenzing, tingimento ecológico de baixo impacto no jeans e a técnica upcycling.
“Acompanhamos nossa cliente em todos os seus momentos, muitas estão conosco há anos e anos. Esse é o maior elogio e motivo de orgulho para mim: criar conexões genuínas e evoluir junto com nosso público, contribuindo de certa forma em suas expressões individuais e como elas se apresentam para o mundo”, Raquel Davidowicz.
https://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/UMA5-1.jpg7001000abehttps://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/abest-logo-300x227.pngabe2022-02-27 23:49:372022-02-27 23:49:37UMA 25 anos
“More than 15 years of experience in a single event”
RPM Brand Consultancy, an international company specialized in connecting national brands with the international market, organizes its first events in Brazil, London, Paris, Dubai, Los Angeles, and Lisbon.
Strategy and Transformation
RPM Brand Consultancy advises many companies and entrepreneurs in data analysis, business intelligence, digital strategy, restructuring and development.
Actions: fairs, established brands and start-ups, business transformation, connecting brands and influencers.
Interaction, Sharing, and Experiences
The event scheduled for June 23, 2022, in São Paulo/Brazil, promotes personal and business networking for national and international players in the high-end and luxury brands market.
https://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/image-2.jpg7001000abehttps://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/abest-logo-300x227.pngabe2022-02-27 23:32:582022-02-27 23:32:58Coleção cápsula Line pela missinclof
“Juntas, ambas labels se propuseram a unir o melhor dos dois mundos: os cuidados e detalhes encontrados nas peças Le Bain Couture à vasta experiência em fibras naturais da Akra Collection.”
As associadas Le Bain Couture e Akra Collection promoveram a bolsa Waves, técnica de crochê na fibra natural da palmeira de ráfia.
A collab artesanal Dreamscape, confeccionada pelas artesãs do Projeto Akra, apresenta inspiração na beleza das praias e a marcante sinuosidade e fluidez das ondas do mar.
“A peça é confeccionada por artesãs do Projeto Akra, em Madagascar, que dedicam aproximadamente 140 horas para a concepção de cada peça. Sua etiqueta é bordada à mão por freiras que dedicam mais oito horas para a realização de cada uma, resultando em um acessório atemporal, versátil, carregada de significados, propósito e muita história.”
The fashion fair promotes nine brands supported by Fashion Label Brasil
“Première Classe is a source for creativity that urges for new designs and creative collaborations.”
The fashion fair at the heart of the Paris Fashion Week,Première Classe, recognized for its creativity and originality, features the trends of the upcoming season and the young fashion creators of the future.
Created in 2003, the Brazilian Association of Fashion Designers (ABEST) aims to strengthen and promote Brazilian design and fashion. Its main purposes is to help the development of Brazilian brands with international reach and guarantee the authenticity and creativity of every single one of them, in addition to promoting the Brazilian lifestyle, thus contributing to the growth of all the segments linked to fashion. Currently, ABEST, which is a non-profit organization, has 120 brands from all over Brazil that export products to 57 countries. Moreover, it constantly carries out strategic approaches to expand its penetration throughout new markets around the world and strengthen relations with those it has already conquered.
About Fashion Label Brasil
Fashion Label Brasil, an added value Brazilian fashion internationalization program, was created in 2003 by ABEST in partnership with ApexBrasil, and its proposal is to position the image of Brazilian fashion abroad, enhancing the image of an innovative and contemporary Brazil. The program has strategic activities – Buyer and Image Project, International Fairs and Fashion Shows, Showroom Project, in addition to special initiatives – to expand penetration in new markets around the globe and strengthen relations with those already conquered.
About Texbrasil
The Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry Internationalization Program (Texbrasil) works with companies in the textile and apparel sector to develop strategies to conquer the global market. Throughout 20 years, it has helped around 1600 brands enter the exporting path, making USD 9 billion in business transactions. The program is carried out through a partnership between Abit and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).
About ABIT
The Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association (Abit), founded in 1957* is one of the most important entities among the country’s economic sectors. It represents the productive force of 25,500 companies installed throughout the national territory, companies of all sizes that employ over 1.5 million workers and together generate annual revenues of R$185.7 billion.
About ApexBrasil
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. The agency carries out diversified trade promotion initiatives that are aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits by foreign buyers and influencers to learn about the Brazilian structure of production, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand. ApexBrasil coordinates efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil, focusing on strategic sectors for the development of the competitiveness of Brazilian companies and the country.
https://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/CAPA-Premiere-Classe.jpg7001000abehttps://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/abest-logo-300x227.pngabe2022-02-24 12:05:582022-02-24 12:05:58Première Classe Paris presents Brazilian brands from March 4th to 7th, 2022
“Key omnichannel platform for fashion operators, leader in the universe of information and international networking, with a consolidated strength able to connect nieche brands, contemporary fashion, business.”
The international fashion fair fosters the connection between companies, buyers, and showrooms in the Tortana Fashion District.
“Sign of the Times” Concept
“Sign of the Times comes from a need of creating something new, for us and for all of you. Sign Of The Times means accepting how times are changing and how much we are willing to be part of it through new projects and revolutionary ideas that give voice to the dreams of new generations”; “The world requires a new vision, a new point of view, to rethink together a new era of fashion, kinder and less hectic, for the individual and the environment. TIME, time, is an essential value. Let’s take care of our time together.”
Created in 2003, the Brazilian Association of Fashion Designers (ABEST) aims to strengthen and promote Brazilian design and fashion. Its main purposes is to help the development of Brazilian brands with international reach and guarantee the authenticity and creativity of every single one of them, in addition to promoting the Brazilian lifestyle, thus contributing to the growth of all the segments linked to fashion. Currently, ABEST, which is a non-profit organization, has 120 brands from all over Brazil that export products to 57 countries. Moreover, it constantly carries out strategic approaches to expand its penetration throughout new markets around the world and strengthen relations with those it has already conquered.
Fashion Label Brasil, an added value Brazilian fashion internationalization program, was created in 2003 by ABEST in partnership with ApexBrasil, and its proposal is to position the image of Brazilian fashion abroad, enhancing the image of an innovative and contemporary Brazil. The program has strategic activities – Buyer and Image Project, International Fairs and Fashion Shows, Showroom Project, in addition to special initiatives – to expand penetration in new markets around the globe and strengthen relations with those already conquered.
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. The agency carries out diversified trade promotion initiatives that are aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits by foreign buyers and influencers to learn about the Brazilian structure of production, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand. ApexBrasil coordinates efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil, focusing on strategic sectors for the development of the competitiveness of Brazilian companies and the country.
https://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/CAPA-White-Milano.jpg7001000abehttps://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/abest-logo-300x227.pngabe2022-02-23 23:10:422022-02-23 23:10:42White Milano “Sign of the Times”
“From high-end brands to affordable luxury, COTERIE New York brings together emerging and well-established brands in contemporary women’s market.”
The American market is one of the main leaders in the textile and fashion industries. Always with superlative numbers, the US is the largest importer in the sector, (US$ 6.9 billion), the main destination for Brazilian exports (US$ 8.3 million), the leading market for sportswear (US$ 70 thousand), the largest ready-to-ship designer clothing market (US$13.6 million) and had the greatest consumer spend in the clothing sector in 2020 (US$13 billion).
In this context, COTERIE New York promotes exclusive experiences, connectivity, and luxury trends. The major players in the market will all be gathered at Javits Center between February 27th and March 1st, 2022.
Coterie takes on 2022 with a hybrid approach, designed to offer a wider range of products and points of connection for the industry. Besides the activations, Coterie offers an educational program focused on sustainable business practices, similar to what was carried out in the early 2021 edition.
The digital platform powered by AI will bring a more efficient and personalized experience. In addition to in-person events, the digital platform will also be available before, during and after the scheduled dates for the 2022 fair, which will expand the “opportunities for discovering, buying, and connecting brands with consumers.”
“The vision for our community is that both live and digital formats are used in concert with one another, with the benefits of both driving forward an entirely new way to conduct business—growing their business more efficiently and more effectively than ever before,” said Courtney Bradarich, VP of contemporary women’s events for Coterie.
The fair will also be held in Miami in July 2022 during Swim Week. Destination: Miami by Coterie will have holiday-inspired products for a range of audiences.
“As part of our ongoing efforts to not only positively affect change within our own operations and practices, as an industry connector for the advanced contemporary market, our mission is to create more meaningful dialogue around broader industry topics, such as sustainability, in addition to being a larger business resource to educate, empower, and spark creativity within the communities we serve,” Bradarich added.
The participation of Brazilian brands not only increases sales, but also brings more visibility to our products in the international market. Buyers from all over the world will be looking for fashion products with authorial designs, personality, and quality.
“COTERIE New York, the most important market event for contemporary and contemporary women’s fashion.”
Created in 2003, the Brazilian Association of Fashion Designers (ABEST) aims to strengthen and promote Brazilian design and fashion. Its main purposes is to help the development of Brazilian brands with international reach and guarantee the authenticity and creativity of every single one of them, in addition to promoting the Brazilian lifestyle, thus contributing to the growth of all the segments linked to fashion. Currently, ABEST, which is a non-profit organization, has 120 brands from all over Brazil that export products to 57 countries. Moreover, it constantly carries out strategic approaches to expand its penetration throughout new markets around the world and strengthen relations with those it has already conquered.
Fashion Label Brasil, an added value Brazilian fashion internationalization program, was created in 2003 by ABEST in partnership with ApexBrasil, and its proposal is to position the image of Brazilian fashion abroad, enhancing the image of an innovative and contemporary Brazil. The program has strategic activities – Buyer and Image Project, International Fairs and Fashion Shows, Showroom Project, in addition to special initiatives – to expand penetration in new markets around the globe and strengthen relations with those already conquered.
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. The agency carries out diversified trade promotion initiatives that are aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits by foreign buyers and influencers to learn about the Brazilian structure of production, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand. ApexBrasil coordinates efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil, focusing on strategic sectors for the development of the competitiveness of Brazilian companies and the country.
https://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/CAPA-Coterie-NY.jpg7001000abehttps://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/abest-logo-300x227.pngabe2022-02-23 19:33:532022-02-23 19:33:53Coterie NY features Fashion Label Brasil brands from February 27th to March 1st, 2022
“A coleção traz bolsas em cores vibrantes e muito brilho”
A Ryzí representa o universo criativo da marca na nova coleção Dancing Door. “Todas as cores, energia, brilho e alegria que a dança proporciona.”
A marca promove inovação e tendências nos dois modelos: Storm micro – nas cores preto, pumpkin e dhalia, e Korin – nas cores preto, dhalia e jelly green.
“Durante esse ano queremos levar nossos consumidores e admiradores da marca a conhecer o universo de Ryzí e suas inspirações mais profundamente. A coleção Dancing Door será nossa ‘porta de entrada’. Ela traz todo esse brilho e alegria que a dança traz e que nos encanta”, Luiza Malmann.
https://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/destaque.jpg7001000abehttps://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/abest-logo-300x227.pngabe2022-02-23 10:41:242022-02-23 10:41:24Ryzí apresenta a coleção Dancing Door
“Libere sua imaginação e entre na sintonia energizante de Deep Collection”
“Formas curvilíneas, texturas modernas e suaves, estampas psicodélicas em cores ácidas combinadas com tons nostálgicos, produções minimalistas e contemporâneas formam um contraponto de influência ilusória e trazem um ar reto-futurista a coleção.”
A associada Ostra Brasil apresenta a nova coleção de Alto Verão, Deep Collection. Desenhos abstratos, temáticas excêntricas e paleta de cores contrastantes expressam o retrô-futurismo presente na coleção.
“Ostra lança Deep Collection, a coleção surge ao som do house music em seu elegante subgênero Deep House. Refinado em suas batidas, suas sonoridades e melodias intrigantes nos conectam profundamente ao estado multissensorial e imaginário.”
https://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/image-1.jpg7001000abehttps://abest.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/abest-logo-300x227.pngabe2022-02-23 10:39:082022-02-23 10:39:08Deep Collection pela Ostra Brasil