The perfum on lavande fields, the bouquet in wines from traditional regions, the intense flavor of citric fruits, the light sweetness of berries and the feel of the sunlight touching your skin… Those are senses we experiences during the summer months that inspire the Les SENS Collection.
Touched by afetive memories of important moments in her life that took place in summer trips, Barbara dove into sensations kept with love and nostalgia to create her Summer 2021. The mixture of Italians and French references was intentionally fun and messy – like getting lost and founding yourself in french lavande fields by days or in little italian alleys by night.
This desire for new sumemer memories, only one piece is a known style of the brand, the classic Tanner bikini set. New styles appear with heavy feminine inspiration and bold touches, inspired buy the decade of 1990. Ruched busts on bikinis and one pieces, cover-up dresses with volume and movement and the same romantic details both on fists and one pieces… There are elements that create both delicate references and bold presence at the same time.
The colors bring even more intensity to the visual summer experience: an intese orange like the sweetest tangerines, a bright and lightful yellow, a rustic muted lilac and a much grown-up and sophisticated pink. Not to mention three festive options in lurex: one burgundy, one dark brown and a soft rosé. Enjoy your trip. 21:51:002024-06-01 13:35:46TANN > LES SENS
Our Ocean, Our Sisterhood, Our Future. Across the globe, our sisters and traditions are connected by one remarkable foundation, the ocean. It is a diverse network that encircles and protects the earth and is the beginning to life and the cosmos. It covers three-quarters of our planet, connects our people and has become a huge part of our natural and cultural heritage.
It supplies us with oxygen, absorbs our carbon dioxide, and monitors our water cycle and climate. It helps to eradicate poverty, provides us with food security and is a significant source of transportation. The 2020 High Summer collection Okeanos, also known as Oceanus in Latin, represents world-ocean in Greek mythology. Oceans, rivers, lakes and waterways. Okeanos is the oldest Titan, the son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth), the husband of the Titan Tethys, and the father of Oceanids; 3000 stream spirits and 3000 ocean nymphs.
Force. Life. Purity. Protection. Okeanos represents exactly this. It is a natural phenomenon worthy of worship. Its water is not only always in motion, but changes colour in the light of the stars, refreshes living creatures and brings new life to dry vegetation. A valuable possession full of resilience and integrity asking to be preserved and protected. A possession that will ultimately determine the wellbeing of our present and future generations. Okeanos has been created to start a conversation around caring for our ocean by developing an integrated approach and enhanced co-operation by all. Through demonstrating the negative effects plastics and microplastics are having on our ocean, Okeanos acts as a vision to crafting a more sustainable future.
As sisters in a collective, this calls for action.
We have started this new collection based on a non logic creative thought: solid and traditional materials going through organic deformation. How would be melting a stone just like we do it with the noble materials? This reverie and the influence of the Surrealist Movement guided the beginning of Melting Stones collection.
Our first creative process came with spontaneous drawings, free of any aesthetic rule, we let our unconscious guide the work. After that we had to study how would be possible to materialize that scene through rational and functional eyes.
The Fusion of materials and composition of shapes merged with the function of any jewel defined the final object. Composed of unconventional cutted stones and sterling silver Melting Stones collection presents unique jewels shaping our provocative imaginary about our reality. 23:18:002024-06-01 13:25:41NORAH JOUR ET NUIT > CONCHA DE DALÍ
Cangussu, or canguçu, is an endangered Jaguar, very present in the Guimarães Rosa’s hinterland. In addition to being part of her name, Cangussu evokes the brasility that Laura seeks to extol in her creations. Not prosaic or caricatured Brazil, but poetic, artistic and a singular Brazil.
“Quem me ensinou a apreciar essas as belezas sem dono foi Diadorim…
A da-Raizama, onde até os pássaros calculam o giro da lua – se diz –
e canguçu monstra pisa em volta” (ROSA, Guimarães. Grande Sertão: Veredas)
“Pena, se tive? Vá se ter dó de canguçu,
dever finezas a escorpião!” (ROSA, Guimarães. Grande Sertão: Veredas)
“Ele vai como veado acochado, mas volta como canguçu… No meio do caminho a gente topa, e quem puder mais é que vai ter razão…” (ROSA, Guimarães. Sagarana)
“Pois, nesse dia, a canguçu de certo que imaginou mais um tiquinho, porque ela desmanchou o dela, andando de rastro para trás um pedaço bom. Depois, correu para longe, sem um miado, e fois’embora. Onça esperta!…” (ROSA, Guimarães. Sagarana)
A new look for new times. Our collection was born out of great care and affection for the little ones who will be wearing it. We have three beautiful prints; a floral, an ethnic and a Tie-Dye. Psychedelic and fun fabrics with a lot of cute details! The styles are simply amazing and we’re in love!
Come check it out, It’s made especially for you! 23:48:002024-06-01 13:24:18I Am… Just For Little