Camila Vieira apresenta a nova coleção de cores, texturas e elementos
“O que as pessoas levam para casa, são mais que jóias, são traços da minha personalidade para eternizar momentos especiais”.
A designer de semijoias Camila Vieira expressou o equilíbrio da razão e emoção na nova coleção Intensidade.
“Somos aprendizes na INTENSIDADE de VIVER, desde a consciência plena dos nossos atos aliados ao que realmente nos impulsiona a sentir, a contemplar, a expor nossos sentimentos com alma e coração.”
Camila Vieira lança a coleção Intensidade
Camila Vieira lança a coleção Intensidade
Camila Vieira lança a coleção Intensidade
Camila Vieira lança a coleção Intensidade
A cápsula representa as formas imperfeitas e a energia das pedras naturais nas quatro cores:
Cinza + Quartzo Cinza
LILÁS + Ametista
Verde Acqua + Fluorita
Fendi + Quartzo Rutilado Dourado
“Um enlace perfeito do racional com o que faz nossos olhos brilharem.”
Camila Vieira e Larissa Lessa, fundadora e estilista da marca LenSoul, desenvolveram uma collab motivada pela busca do equilíbrio que a energia das pedras proporciona.
“Valorizando o slow fashion, a sustentabilidade e o consumo consciente, as marcas se uniram para criar peças atemporais, sofisticadas e versáteis.”
A Cápsula Equilíbrio, edição limitada criada a 4 mãos, apresenta 3 lenços em 4 estampas exclusivas que trazem impressas as pedras naturais brasileiras, e 1 peça de decoração, uma almofada, em 4 estampas exclusivas das pedras Ágata Azul, Ágata negra, Ágata verde e Ágata Roxa. 21:15:262024-06-01 15:14:27Camila Vieira e LenSoul
Timeless jewelry brand Camila Vieira- with creations inspired by people’s behavior- debuted its first signed collab in 2019 with digital communicator and influencer Fhits (a Brazilian digital influencers collective) Paula Feijó. In 2020, her lifestyle reflected and guided the partnership flow, now with a new look to create the collab Despertar (to awaken), which reflects and translates the current moment and reality. “To awaken our purposes, look within ourselves and also into the future”.
The collection, with minimalist and contemporary design and developed by four hands, symbolizes the concept of timelessness using high quality raw materials, with 18k Gold plating chains and natural gemstones such as Green Quartz, Golden Rutilated Quartz, Sodalite, Pink Agate, Amethyst and Freshwater Pearls.
The third collab between Camila Vieira and Paula Feijó is divided into three moments: DESPERTAR (to awaken) Family, representing strength and union through the links of the chains. The SENTIR (to feel) family carries the energy and beauty of rough gemstones. And finally, the OLHAR (to glance at) family, which reflects the harmony with the future- with an emphasis on the metals organic design that frame the gemstones.
The natural gemstones and pearls used in the collection pieces include Amethyst, a protection, vitality and spiritual elevation gemstone; Golden Rutilated Quartz, a healing gemstone that illuminates the soul and is capable to blend energies; Green Quartz, a gemstone that improves health, increases energy, eliminates physical and mental tiredness, balances emotions and strengthens metabolism; Pink Agate, a gemstone that promotes acceptance stimulating self-confidence; Sodalite, a mental guidance, objectivity and purpose gemstone that stimulates courage and persistence; and the Freshwater Pearl with its healing and purifying properties representing femininity, creativity and purity.
“The theme Despertar could not be more perfect after the historic year that we live in. Now we are waking up to a new reality, a new beginning, a new era “,” That is why we always choose shapes and stones that have a high energetic power and that make sense with what we believe “, reveals Paula Feijó.
The collab with creative direction Fhits, is available at Camila Vieira’s physical store in Caxias do Sul (a city in Rio Grande do Sul state, Southern Brazil, situated in the state’s mountainous Serra Gaúcha region), with exclusive service sales from the businesswoman and designer. Despertar is also available in the Fashionroom in São Paulo city for all retailers in Brazil and in the brand’s e-commerce. 23:57:072024-06-01 14:47:01Camila Vieira debuts her third collection signed by Paula Feijó
The new collection co-created with the influencer Paula Feijó, brings reflections on connections we have in our day-to-day lives and which often go unnoticed. Divided into three moments: Connection, Amulet, and Reframe.
Connection: Shapes and lines with the texture of Italian acetate bring a contemporary and sophisticated visual message.
Amulet: Nature is the protagonist of our jewels which can be used as symbols of strength and extend our own boundaries. I understand that the energy of each natural stone brings us a meaningful connection with earth. Our jewels bring balance and purification through the Brazilian gems.
Reframe: Natural pearls aligned with organic design deliver a message of beauty and simplicity in a unique shape. “The oyster, to make a pearl, must have a grain of sand inside its shell, what causes it suffer.” We believe that this phenomenon of nature brings us reflections and teachings for this difficult moment that we all are living. Inspired by the suffering of the pearls allow yourself to reframe your world.