Raízes | Tucupi Collection by Naisha Cardoso inspired by Amazon’s essence


Designer Naisha Cardoso’s jewelry, imprinted with Belém do Pará (capital of the state of Pará) cultural identity, symbolizes the essence of the Northern region of Brazil as the brand’s main guideline, and uses contemporary jewelry as a tradition transgression.

The designer introduces the Raízes | Tucupi collection, a continuation of the liquid theme in her jewels present in other permanent collections: Chuva das 4 (4 p.m. Rain), Afluentes (Affluents), Raízes (Roots).

The collection was created especially for customers based in Belém, as an emotional memory, made in the Amazon for the Amazon. “You are what you eat, in your place of origin”.

The creation brings inspiration and essence to tucupi (a yellow sauce extracted from wild manioc root)- one of the foundations of Amazonian cuisine- the juice of cooked cassava with peculiar flavor and pronounced acidity, and also a food preservative.

“My desire to make this transgression with something archetypal has been going on for a long time.” “In researching glass in Murano (Italy) I had already tried to reach an identical tone of yellow. I got a similar result, but it was a very open tone and similar to a neon hue. It wasn’t our ‘yellow tucupi’ yet, ”says Naisha Cardoso.

The designer stabilized the liquid and managed to reach the “yellow tucupi”, a reduction of tucupi that rests weeks before being bottled and sealed, present in the collection’s pieces.

“Belém is liquid in a sovereign way, both due to the Guajará bay and its affluents, confluences and river arms, as well as the typical rain of the Amazon rain cycle, true suspended rivers”, reveals Cardoso about the city’s personality. And yet, “we can smell the rain with a delicacy that only those who are from here can recognize. It is about that 95% humidity of the air that condenses, condenses, and suddenly precipitates ”.

The collection conveys in its essence the idea that what is eaten and how to eat it speaks a lot about the cultural identity of a territory and its people, “I decided to play and keep the Tucupi tone as Belém is: liquid”, concludes the designer on the culture of the Amazon territory as inspiration for the Raízes | Tucupi collection.

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