The In Company course “Sistemática de Exportação” (Export Systematics) is organized by ABEST and promoted by the Fashion Label Brasil Program in partnership with Apex-Brasil. Ana Maria Matta Walcher, the course teacher, who is a commercial and operational specialist in export and import, presented the article “Understanding the Benefit of Drawback”.
Understanding the Benefit of Drawback
Drawback is an incentive that relieves taxes levied on imports and purchases in the domestic market. This benefit is only valid for the industrialization, transformation, assembly, reconditioning or renovation of a product. Therefore, if you do not work with these variations, you cannot obtain the exemption.
Under the Drawback regime, if the entrepreneur imports goods that will be used in manufacturing a product for export, all import taxes will be suspended and in the purchase of inputs in the Brazilian market for export, the tax will be exempt on entry and exit at the time of export.
The goal is to promote the growth and expansion of the business through the exemption / suspension of taxes and tax credits. According to the Internal Revenue Service, in the last four years, 29% of all tax benefits granted by the government are related to Drawback. In other words, drawbacks enable Brazilian exporters to guarantee competitiveness in the international market.
There are 3 classifications within this regime:
Exemption: intended for the replacement of imported or purchased goods in the domestic market that were used in the industrialization of an exported product.
Suspension: intended for goods that will be imported or purchased on the domestic market to be used in
the industrialization of an exported product.
Refund: intended for the refund of taxes that were paid on the importation of goods that are used in the industrialization of an exported product.
What is the Drawback Culture
To adhere to the Drawback regime, exporters must mitigate risks to avoid further penalties. As it involves input / output of information and actions, it should be a very well-aligned and closely monitored process.
A company that is already used to acquiring imported and domestic inputs under the normal purchase regime, before joining Drawback, must review all administrative, financial, fiscal, commercial, and operational management.
This adjustment is necessary to meet all requirements requested by the customs regime. 12:50:212021-09-10 12:50:21Drawback regime by Ana Maria Matta Walcher
A Undertop expressa o feminino e o contemporâneo na coleção verão 2022
Undertop lança a coleção Sagrado Feminino
Undertop lança a coleção Sagrado Feminino
“O corpo como abrigo de uma essência feminina, um estado de consciência relacionado ao que significa ser mulher. O body como ponto de partida, uma peça que molda as formas e projeta o sagrado feminino, despertando uma consciência de harmonia, sem amarras ou padrões.”
A Undertop celebra as mulheres contemporâneas na nova coleção Sagrado Feminino.
A coleção verão 2022 apresenta o tule em peças de alfaiataria e o body em diferentes aviamentos e materiais. O ‘savoir-faire’ possibilita técnicas de costura, com pespontos e recortes inovadores para criar texturas e modelagens. O linho aparece em alças e nos franzidos que acentuam decotes, e a renda guipure promove sofisticação. Detalhes bordados em cores contrastantes formam geometrias e as transparências estratégicas traduzem o DNA da marca.
Undertop lança a coleção Sagrado Feminino
Undertop lança a coleção Sagrado Feminino
Undertop lança a coleção Sagrado Feminino
A coleção Sagrado Feminino também marca a abertura da nova loja da Undertop no Shopping Iguatemi, celebrada com vídeos dos participantes do projeto Mulheres Reais, que promove competências para o empreendedorismo feminino entre mulheres da ONG Nova Mulher na Vila Nova Cachoeirinha, em São Paulo.
“Já em seu terceiro ano e sua quarta turma de mulheres, a iniciativa da Undertop resgata a autoestima de mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade e as incentiva a conquistar sua independência financeira.”
“Fizemos uma releitura das plantas, misturamos a pétala de uma flor com o miolo de outra, numa espécie de colagem das espécies. A cartela de cores é a do meu dia a dia. Tirei de objetos da minha casa, do ambiente em que estou vivendo o tempo todo no início da pandemia, quando essa coleção começou a ser criada”, explica Isabela Capeto, que desenvolveu o tema Pancs da sua coleção para o São Paulo Fashion Week N51.
“As Plantas Alimentícias Não-Convencionais me inspiraram a pensar mais no que é da nossa terra e merece ser valorizado.”
Collab Isabela Capeto e Melissa
Collab Isabela Capeto e Melissa
Collab Isabela Capeto e Melissa
Collab Isabela Capeto e Melissa
A estilista Isabela Capeto, sua filha Chica e a Melissa representaram as Plantas Alimentícias Não-Convencionais, Pancs, na nova collab de calçados e acessórios criados em PVC tecnológico e 100% reciclável.
“Essa collab reforça a valorização que a Melissa sempre deu à moda brasileira, trazendo de volta uma parceria que marcou nossa trajetória”, afirma Raquel Scherer, gerente geral da Melissa, para a Fashion Network.
A coleção celebra uma criação 100% brasileira e artesanal em estampas e texturas que expressam a primavera, e ilustrações feitas pela Chica Capeto, que representam as flores, plantas e frutos tradicionais da flora brasileira.
“Fiquei muito feliz de ser convidada pela minha mãe para participar dessa coleção. Ela já tem uma história de longa data com a marca e foi demais ser “agregada”. Eu sempre amei Melissa, uso desde mini, as clássicas com meias coloridas, antes de me entender por gente. Estou muito orgulhosa, ainda mais de estar colaborando com a minha mãe”, Chica Capeto.
Andrea Bogosian traz a essência e a beleza do Pantanal na nova coleção
“Vestir-se de Brasil, cuidando do Brasil, é um caminho sem volta para a marca e para minha vida”, Andrea Bogosian.
Andrea Bogosian lança coleção Pantanal
Andrea Bogosian lança coleção Pantanal
A marca da estilista Andrea Bogosian trabalha com 85% de matéria-prima feita no Brasil e apresenta na coleção primavera-verão 2022 o resultado de uma imersão transformadora no Pantanal.
Inspirada pela obra do artista e fotógrafo João Farkas e sua visão idílica do Pantanal, Andrea Bogosian expressou a essência e a beleza do bioma na primeira estampa da história da marca.
“Foi uma experiência reveladora que me abriu novos horizontes em relação à vida e ao trabalho. O Pantanal é um lugar que convida à contemplação, ao mesmo tempo que, pessoalmente, me fez perceber a força e a intensidade da sua beleza e natureza selvagem”, afirma a diretora criativa.
A coleção Pantanal retrata as piúvas pantaneiras em peças de seda pura 100% nacional, o tuiuiú e a onça-pintada. “Um mix de moda, arte e natureza, criado a quatro mãos com o João”.
“Estou imensamente satisfeito por ter meu trabalho colocado agora no universo da moda. Ver as belezas ameaçadas do Pantanal virarem desejo, traz uma valorização até então ignorada pelo segmento para com essa parte do Brasil”, comenta João Farkas sobre a parceria.
Andrea Bogosian lança coleção Pantanal
Andrea Bogosian lança coleção Pantanal
Andrea Bogosian lança coleção Pantanal
E para incentivar a consciência e responsabilidade ambiental, uma porcentagem do faturamento da coleção é destinado para projetos no Pantanal.
“O objetivo maior é fazer com que as pessoas se inspirem, valorizem, cuidem e conservem a nossa natureza.” 20:37:442021-09-01 20:37:44Coleção Pantanal por Andrea Bogosian
Hub-E and the Pre-COP Conference, sustainability workshops
“Redesigning sustainable thinking in the design capital of the world.”
Oskar Metsavaht presents in Milan, Italy, Hub-E and Pre-COP Conference workshops to inspire, engage and promote a mindset change regarding sustainability.
Instituto-E, the British Chamber of Commerce for Italy and Industrie Cosmetique Reunite, the Italian fragrance industry, have joined forces to create an international center for the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and inspiring cases of sustainable development.
– Earth: Gaya theory, to value the relationship, knowledge, respect, admiration, and interdependence between nature and all living beings.
– Environment: promotes the conscientious management of natural resources according to the convention’s indicators on biological diversity.
– Energy: publicize, promote, and encourage energy efficiency solutions as one of the fronts against climate change.
– Education: education as the base for na effective change in social, environmental, and economic mentality.
– Empowerment: knowledge, training, and education as tools for effective development, and transformation.
– Economics: economy in sustainability to increase the social, environmental and governance impacts of projects, initiatives, and companies.
“Italian Excellence, British Values, Brazilian Sustainable Thinking, National and International Organizations and Institutions in a mission to inspire and create change.”
Hub-E e Pre-COP Conference
The Pre-COP, from September 3rd to October 2nd, features representatives from 35 to 40 countries, the UNFCCC Scretariant, Chairs of the Convention’s Subsidiary Bodies, and stakeholders who play a key role in the transition to sustainable development.
September 30th 1. Redesign Age range: 15-29 – free of charge
“Young people will use recyclable materials to create objects and will be monitored by experts to change the way they relate to what is generally considered garbage.”
Online reservations on the website or on social networks. Number of participants: 30 max.
September 30th and October 1st 2. Eco-città del futuro Age range: Children from 5 to 9 years old – free of charge
“The children will draw and color the city of the future guided by an educator who will lead them to think about sustainability in an imaginary atmosphere.”
Online reservations on the website or on social networks. Number of participants: 20 max.
September 30th and October 1st 3. Gaya- restoring connection Age range: open to the public, free of charge
“Participants will have the opportunity to experience activities that reconnect them with nature, such as yoga, personalized bio perfume, mindfulness, herbal teas, among others.”
Online reservations on the website or on social networks. Number of participants: 30 max.
“Betina De Luca + Waiwai dá nome ao encontro criativo de Betina De Luca e Leo Neves – uma união com as bençãos do amor à arte e à brasilidade e, mais que tudo: a um tipo de moda que celebra essas duas coisas.”
Betina De Luca + Waiwai
Betina De Luca + Waiwai
Betina De Luca + Waiwai
Betina De Luca + Waiwai
As associadas Betina De Luca e Waiwai apresentam uma nova coleção slow fashion nacional, sinônimo de moda artesanal, apuro, autenticidade, e o DNA exuberante das marcas em peças livres de tendência, tempo ou destino final.
“Depois de tanto olhar pra dentro e pro tempo, depois de receber a visita de outros ares e eras, mergulhamos fundo, perfurando mares até avistar outra terra. Desembarcamos num país nunca visto – e não por ser novo. A gente sabe que ele sempre existiu: um exuberante e imaginário Brasil. É nele que aterrizamos quando flutuamos ao som de lendas que falam do invisível. É ele que imprime em tons de pele as muitas ancestralidades da nossa identidade. Sim, estamos em casa. E nela cabem todos os reinos naturais: bichos, plantas, pedras. Temos jardins de cogumelos, catedrais minerais e mulheres que andam com sereias, livres para além de ondas e areias. Fixamos residência na diversidade delirante da paisagem que é árida e úmida. Cálida e gélida. Somos todos eternos aqui, nessa casa-continente. No Brasil revelado em cartas com a memória que mora nos sonhos. Detalhado em desenhos cheios de cores que não saem dos olhos.”
Camila Vieira apresenta a nova coleção de cores, texturas e elementos
Camila Vieira lança a coleção Intensidade
Camila Vieira lança a coleção Intensidade
Camila Vieira lança a coleção Intensidade
“O que as pessoas levam para casa, são mais que jóias, são traços da minha personalidade para eternizar momentos especiais”.
A designer de semijoias Camila Vieira expressou o equilíbrio da razão e emoção na nova coleção Intensidade.
“Somos aprendizes na INTENSIDADE de VIVER, desde a consciência plena dos nossos atos aliados ao que realmente nos impulsiona a sentir, a contemplar, a expor nossos sentimentos com alma e coração.”
Camila Vieira lança a coleção Intensidade
Camila Vieira lança a coleção Intensidade
Camila Vieira lança a coleção Intensidade
Camila Vieira lança a coleção Intensidade
A cápsula representa as formas imperfeitas e a energia das pedras naturais nas quatro cores:
Cinza + Quartzo Cinza
LILÁS + Ametista
Verde Acqua + Fluorita
Fendi + Quartzo Rutilado Dourado
“Um enlace perfeito do racional com o que faz nossos olhos brilharem.”
ABEST and associated brands at the SPLASH PARIS swimwear fair
SPLASH PARIS, a great reference of resort fashion and beachwear, featured eight brands from the Brazilian fashion internalization project Fashion Label Brasil by ABEST, Texbrasil by ABIT, in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments).
It was an in-person event that took place in London (United Kingdom) from June 22nd to 25th, and was virtually transmitted through the JOOR platform of the international fashion industry between June 7th and July 2nd.
“Splash Paris Show is a niche fair with great added value. It takes places on the banks of the River Seine, exuding much charm. Despite not being as captivating as the physical event, the virtual model managed to attract buyers and businesses”, Aurea Yamashita, executive manager of Fashion Label Brasil.
Catarina Mina, Empress, Haight, La Sirène, Lenny Niemeyer, Sinésia Karol e Triya pela SPLASH PARIS
Catarina Mina, Empress, Haight, La Sirène, Lenny Niemeyer, Sinésia Karol e Triya pela SPLASH PARIS
Catarina Mina, Empress, Haight, La Sirène, Lenny Niemeyer, Sinésia Karol e Triya pela SPLASH PARIS
Catarina Mina, Empress, Haight, La Sirène, Lenny Niemeyer, Sinésia Karol e Triya pela SPLASH PARIS
Catarina Mina, Empress, Haight, La Sirène, Lenny Niemeyer, Sinésia Karol e Triya pela SPLASH PARIS
Catarina Mina, Empress, Haight, La Sirène, Lenny Niemeyer, Sinésia Karol e Triya pela SPLASH PARIS
Catarina Mina, Empress, Haight, La Sirène, Lenny Niemeyer, Sinésia Karol e Triya pela SPLASH PARIS
Catarina Mina, Empress, Haight, La Sirène, Lenny Niemeyer, Sinésia Karol e Triya pela SPLASH PARIS
The first digital experience displayed profits and good expectations for participating brands as to future deals. Regardless of the marketing difficulties, in the buyers’ portfolio and dynamics of a digital platform, the companies promoted deals totaling USD17.000 between sales at the event and the expectations for the next 12 months are USD111.000.
“The Premium Resortwear Trade Show”, a brand curation for premium beachwear and resort fashion buyers.
Created in 2003, the Brazilian Association of Fashion Designers (ABEST) aims to strengthen and promote Brazilian design and fashion. Its main purposes is to help the development of Brazilian brands with international reach and guarantee the authenticity and creativity of every single one of them, in addition to promoting the Brazilian lifestyle, thus contributing to the growth of all the segments linked to fashion. Currently, ABEST, which is a non-profit organization, has 120 brands from all over Brazil that export products to 57 countries. Moreover, it constantly carries out strategic approaches to expand its penetration throughout new markets around the world and strengthen relations with those it has already conquered.
About Fashion Label Brasil
Fashion Label Brasil, an added value Brazilian fashion internationalization program, was created in 2003 by ABEST in partnership with Apex-Brasil, and its proposal is to position the image of Brazilian fashion abroad, enhancing the image of an innovative and contemporary Brazil. The program has strategic activities – Buyer and Image Project, International Fairs and Fashion Shows, Showroom Project, in addition to special initiatives – to expand penetration in new markets around the globe and strengthen relations with those already conquered.
About Apex-Brasil The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. The agency carries out diversified trade promotion initiatives that are aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits by foreign buyers and influencers to learn about the Brazilian structure of production, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand. Apex-Brasil coordinates efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil, focusing on strategic sectors for the development of the competitiveness of Brazilian companies and the country. 21:51:562021-08-20 21:51:56ABEST AND ASSOCIATED BRANDS AT SPLASH PARIS
ABEST and associated brands at Destination, SwimShow and Cabana fairs
Miami Swim Week, focused on beach fashion, an event that took place in the capital of Florida, USA, presented buyers, journalists and fashion enthusiasts at the Destination, Cabana, and SwimShow fairs.
The event hosted 33 brands from the Brazilian fashion internationalization project Fashion Label Brasil by ABEST, Texbrasil by ABIT, Brazilian Footwear by Abicalçados, in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments).
At Destination, from July 10th to 12th, the Brazilian brands: Ampersand Heart, Raíssa, NHall Resort Wear, Nay Sunset Wear, Paola Bernardi and Pura Swim from Texbrasil and Haight, Andrea Bogosian, Nádia Gimenes, Nannacay, and Sau Swim Bikinis from Fashion Label Brasil, displayed deals worth USD257.000 between sales at the event and the expectations for the next 12 months are USD600.000.
Haight, Andrea Bogosian, Nádia Gimenes, Nannacay, Sau Swim Bikinis pela Destination
Haight, Andrea Bogosian, Nádia Gimenes, Nannacay, Sau Swim Bikinis pela Destination
Haight, Andrea Bogosian, Nádia Gimenes, Nannacay, Sau Swim Bikinis pela Destination
Haight, Andrea Bogosian, Nádia Gimenes, Nannacay, Sau Swim Bikinis pela Destination
Haight, Andrea Bogosian, Nádia Gimenes, Nannacay, Sau Swim Bikinis pela Destination
Nay Sunset Wear’s first experience at the event was essential to gain new customers in the country. “We are very happy with the result and the reception and interest of the buyers,” says the brand designer Adriana Senise.
At SwimShow, on July 10th and 13th, the brands Guria Beachwear, Planet Sea, Rio de Sol, Despi, from Texbrasil and Mos Brazilian Beachwear, from Fashion Label Brasil, companies promoted deals totaling USD282.000 and the expectations for the next 12 months is USD1.325.000.
Mos Brazilian Beachwear pela SwimShow
“The return of physical art fairs brought relief and hope to brands and buyers, who during the pandemic had to adapt to the virtual model, which is practical, economical and agile. However, there is no interaction, contact with the product and, the best of all, the experience of the fair’s atmosphere,” Aurea Yamashita, executive manager of Fashion Label Brasil.
At Cabana, through July 10th to 12th, at the Miami Beach Convention Center, and online on June 22nd, the brands Adriana Degreas, from Texbrasil, Água de Coco, Andreza Chagas, Catarina Mina, Empress, Serpui, Lily Franco, Meerk, Osklen, Paula Torres, Room, Yukio, La Sirène, Lenny Niemeyer, Sinésia Karol and Triya, from Fashion Label Brasil, and Melissa from Brazilian Footwear, displayed the result of USD525.000 and the expectation for the next 12 months is USD1.330.000.
“We know that it is possible to do business in the digital environment, but the results from the in-person events show that buyers are willing to get to know the brands and do business with Brazilians even more, when they meet in person,” analyzes Lilian Kaddissi, executive manager of Texbrasil.
Created in 2003, the Brazilian Association of Fashion Designers (ABEST) aims to strengthen and promote Brazilian design and fashion. Its main purposes is to help the development of Brazilian brands with international reach and guarantee the authenticity and creativity of every single one of them, in addition to promoting the Brazilian lifestyle, thus contributing to the growth of all the segments linked to fashion. Currently, ABEST, which is a non-profit organization, has 120 brands from all over Brazil that export products to 57 countries. Moreover, it constantly carries out strategic approaches to expand its penetration throughout new markets around the world and strengthen relations with those it has already conquered.
About Fashion Label Brasil
Fashion Label Brasil, an added value Brazilian fashion internationalization program, was created in 2003 by ABEST in partnership with Apex-Brasil, and its proposal is to position the image of Brazilian fashion abroad, enhancing the image of an innovative and contemporary Brazil. The program has strategic activities – Buyer and Image Project, International Fairs and Fashion Shows, Showroom Project, in addition to special initiatives – to expand penetration in new markets around the globe and strengthen relations with those already conquered.
About Abit
Founded in 1957, The Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association (Abit) is one of the most important organizations among the country’s economic sectors. It represents the productive force of 25.2 thousand companies installed throughout the national territory, with companies from all sizes and employing over 1.5 million workers, who together generate an annual turnover of USD48.3 billion.
About Texbrasil
The Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry Internationalization Program (Texbrasil) works with companies in the textile and apparel sector to develop strategies to grow within the global market. Over the past 20 years, it has helped around 1.600 brands to enter the path toward exporting, making USD9 billion in business transactions. The program is carried out through a partnership between Abit and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).
About Apex-Brasil
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. The agency carries out diversified trade promotion initiatives that are aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits by foreign buyers and influencers to learn about the Brazilian structure of production, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand. Apex-Brasil coordinates efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil, focusing on strategic sectors for the development of the competitiveness of Brazilian companies and the country. 21:24:232021-08-20 21:24:23ABEST AND ASSOCIATED BRANDS AT THE MIAMI SWIM WEEK
“Marca brasileira criada com o intuito de diversificar e trazer frescor ao uso do couro com modelos, cores e estampas exclusivas.”
A nova associada SEVEN C representa a natureza e o elemento água na nova coleção Immerse.
SEVEN C lança a coleção Immerse
SEVEN C lança a coleção Immerse
SEVEN C lança a coleção Immerse
SEVEN C lança a coleção Immerse
“Permite a vida e o ar fresco, o rejuvenescer e a fluidez que como em uma correnteza, leva embora as impurezas.”
A coleção apresenta estampas e listras na cor Aqua, para expressar a água, e o intenso Jazzy, que representa o poder feminino e toda sua intensidade e profundidade.
“Deixe que a fluidez e as correntezas das águas te carreguem para o inesperado, onde estão as suas mais profundas emoções.” 13:44:062021-08-11 13:44:06SEVEN C, a nova associada ABEST